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Horsley Kids Nutrition and Menu Planning- Susan Williams from Zest Nutrition

Hi, I’m Susan, I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist. Over the ten years I’ve been in private practice I’ve been becoming busier in treating clients with a wide range of eating disorders and disordered eating. The sad stories my brave clients tell me often start back in their childhoods with lack of body trust, dieting and efforts to lose weight. So, this work actually makes me even more passionate about my work with Horsley Kids with whom I have been working with over the last 8 years. I believe it is vitally important to keep children loving and trusting their body, to help them be adventurous and curious with food and develop confident, intuitive eating skills.

It’s been my pleasure to consult to Horsley Kids on all matters of nutrition, developing the current menu to meet regulatory standards, energy and nutrient requirements and also needs of cultural diversity and variety.

Within the service you’ll find a copy of the nutrition manual I have created for parents and carers of the children who attend Horsley Kids.

There is so much information and misinformation circulating about diet and nutrition, it is common for people to become confused about what is right and best especially for the kids we love so much. This booklet aims to simplify and clarify kids nutrition needs so we can all do what is right and best for them.

This information covers the basics in nutrition, the major energy sources and foods that provide them, important food groups and good eating behaviour. I hope this will be a living document that grows to meet your needs, your feedback and questions are welcome.

I visit the service annually; every September; to meet with management and educators and conduct an audit of the kitchen and review of the menu. It’s a joy to observe the children eating and interacting happily in each of their rooms with not only a healthy menu but support educators and kitchen staff. I regularly contribute articles on food and health for newsletters and parent portal page for this website. We run annual evening talks with Q and A sessions and over the years have spoken to many families about school nutrition, fussy eaters and general health questions.  In an effort to reach even more people we’ve taken our information sessions online as Facebook Live events. You can access the information you need and have your questions answered from the comfort of your couch in your PJs!

I regularly attend training and workshops on childhood feeding, parenting and body image.  I ensure to keep Phoebe- The Director of Horsley Kids; up to date if there are concurrent events for parents to attend. Parent please login the parent portal page of this website for these up coming events.

For more complex issues, parents can contact me directly and some come to my clinic to work one on one with me.

My goal is that parents feel sure and confident in their ability to feed their children well



Susan Williams www.zestnutrition.com.au

02 4721 4425

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What other parents say about us..

You have an amazing centre and a team who works hard at maintaining quality and you can clearly see that they all strive towards the common goal of providing all children with exceptional care and education.


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Some News from Horsley Kids...

Director Phoebe interviewed by 'The Australian'

Horsley Kids Director, Phoebe Speranza was interviewed by "The Australian" Newspaper.

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